Indigo – pleads look for alternative treatment – Catherine Zeta-Jones Being Treated for Bipolar II Disorder

April 16, 2011

Though a person can want to reach out to celebrities, for their own safety they are protected from people trying to reach them – totally understandable however frustrating that might be.

Catherine Zeta-Jones is being treated for Bipolar II Disorder and as much as I would love to call her up and say, “you might want to read The Wave Riders book because it will help you to understand why your moods and energy change. It offers awareness not available at your doctor’s office unfortunately.
Instead Catherine Zeta-Jones will fall into the standard procedures”
And feel damaged
My heart goes out to everyone that has not learned that we are “all bipolar” just at different levels and that discovering the “normalcy” of that helps us to be fully creative and intelligent without debilitating mental health issues.

Catherine and others that I cannot reach … Please do not don the label of damaged. Get your hands on The Wave Riders and read for yourself. You don’t need me – just the information.

The Wave Riders; a simple book sharing awareness of why we are often misdiagnosed bipolar, add, depressed and has helped people from many professions from musicians to corporate executives all over the globe. The Wave Riders book has pulled sufferers from the pit of depression and shown them ways to stop the cycle.
Catherine, please don’t be another number in the “people with mental health list”.

Children diagnosed Bipolar at 4 – are we insane?

March 30, 2011


I don’t know how a doctor ever decided that he knows how to diagnose a child as being bipolar! Healthy active children are being diagnosed and medicated – it is all a horrible mistake.
Children are more active because they are more creative and we need this creativity for future global competition. We need to embrace this evolutionary change not medicate them into numbness.

I am releasing a children’s book this year that I hope will alleviate this severe error in judgment. What are your thoughts on this??? Should children at 4 be medicated for sometimes being over amped and sometimes feeling low?

We, as Wave Riders, understand this process…someone needs to stand up and say “Stop the Madness” – and it may as well start here.

Simon Cowell Interview with Oprah – Letter to Simon Cowell

May 22, 2010

Simon Cowell,  I cannot believe that Oprah asked that question?  “What do you have to be depressed about”?  We know that depression is not about “status”.

I would love to talk to you if you are open to learning something different about depression and the “angry bear” that you mentioned on your interview with Oprah.   It is unfortunate that sometimes the more famous you are  – the less opporunity that you have for finding alterative help.

I am here to chat anytime you would like to hear about The Wave Riders theories that I and many readers feel – makes sense about the one major cause of depression.  These are empowering theories that give you self-efficacy – no magic pill.  What you say to me is alway confidential…though that may be a tough thing for you to believe.

You could read more in the newsletter “Reaction to the Interview :  Simon Cowell with Oprah Winfrey”.

Take care

Indigo Irwin Kennedy

Turning off the stress

February 2, 2010

Okay, today was a killer – really!  I mean it had the potential to be a killer.  A bunch of things came at me all at once and I felt like an air traffic controller – out of control!

Then I remembered… I am committed to a stress free reaction!
This means that I will still encounter stress in my work and my personal life but that I have decided not to release the adrenaline reaction – the fight or flight that works to create disease and ages my mind and my body. 

I have decided that I will handle the stressful events – to my BEST ABILITY and that does not require the danger arousal response that pumps up my pulse and heart beat.  It only means that I must be quite happy with my best effort even if it means people on the other side are not.

I hope that you will join me in Turning off the Stress!  Email me at the website The Wave Riders .com


Is depression breeding in the steam room?

January 27, 2010

Maybe it’s a crazy title but yesterday I was good to myself and gave myself the pleasure of a swim and steam at our local pool.  We are very close to the 2010 Winter Olympics (only 5 hours north) and so the torch was passing through our town an hour from the time I was in the steam.

I happened to mention that it was going through town and a heated discussion began. What was a place of relaxation, calm and clearing of the body toxins became infested with the sounds and emotions of negativity.

What they were talking about (in some ways) I agreed with.  The huge amounts of money spent on the Olympics would be great to have to build new hospitals and for me, I thought, “to compete” not for sports but for global solutions.   So the topic did not bother me … but the hopelessness did.

“It’s the government – what can you do”, “corporations only care about money” – I decided I could not take any more and suggested instead of just spreading the negativity that perhaps we should consider offering solutions.  To complain about our government and corporations; to place sole blame on them is a very old fashioned way of thinking and a very easy “out”.

I have been writing and researching a great deal for my new book “Creating Emotional Balance in our Accelerated World” and what I have been finding is that “governments” and “corportations” are changing.  They must in order to stay competitive and this mean they must nuture their employees, their environmental impact and the way they communicate on a global scale.

So who is  shouting that “the good is coming, the good is coming”?

Very few people are giving energy to the good that people are doing and we need more shouting about positive things in our world so that negativity and depression are not the seeds that are set to grow as we hover around water stations and steam rooms talking about the plight of our world.

We can laugh again, we can have faith, we can feel and see the good things coming and the wonderful things that are already here.

Point your face towards the sun and feel depression begin to melt away.


Join me on the Mike Nabuurs Radio show this morning

January 19, 2010

Hello everyone, hope you will get a chance to join me on the Mike Nabuurs Radio show this morning 8 AM PST

Happy New Year

January 1, 2010

Happy New Year 2010!

Tonight I took a few moments to count my blessings for which I have many.  Good family, good friends, a roof over my head, bills are paid and food is in the fridge.  Enjoyed the fresh air and romp in the snow with my two dogs.  2010 looks like it will be a busy year.   Hope yours is wonderful!

take care Indigo

Merry Christmas

December 26, 2009

Well that’s it I’m stuffed and grateful for family and friends.  Hope that you are all well. I am having a quiet Christmas with family, including my two border collies. 

Merry Christmas


Sense of Completion with the second book released

December 15, 2009

There is a sense of completion now that the second book in The Wave Riders Series is complete and available in digital format. Printed version coming in 2010. I hope that you will join my on the journey through the lessons learned through bouncing back from poverty.

10 Revelations in the Leap from Lawn Chairs to Limos
by Indigo Irwin Kennedy

Unlock the 10 secrets that only this journey could reveal! A sometimes humorous reflective journey into the poverty patterns we create in our lives.

A new book for our Tough economic times

November 29, 2009

Ahh, feels great to finish the second book in The Wave Rider’s series.  The Wave Riders Book I introduces a wave pattern in our personalities that followed the “bipolar pattern” found in some mental health problems, only it was also happening in the mainstream population – I like to call it the “Pre-bipolar State”.   It also suggests that depression may be caused from the natural down of an adrenaline, high energy state.  

In the third book scheduled to be released Jan. 2010 I will introduce three trends that are already influencing our families and our finances.

I thought that the second book should be from 10 Revelation from Lawn chairs to Limos, bouncing back from bankruptcy and poverty as there are so many people feeling down now from these tough economic times. These 10 Revelations from the Leap from Lawn chairs ( my only living room furniture years ago) to Limos were important lessons that I observed through the process and hope that they may help other people through their tough times.  I try to show that poverty does not relate to your value and that there is hope and opportunity even when we feel that we have hit bottom.   The book will be available at The Wave Riders


The book is in the final edit and layout process for digital release in about 1 week and I hope it will reach people that need a boost this year.